Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The final year.

The alarm clock goes off, beep, beep, beep. The night seemed only momentary, I cannot awaken yet. Press snooze; doze back into my dreams. Sleep is limited these days. Beep, beep, I wake up, not quite ready to face another day of grade 12. I anticipate another day of lessons, quizzes, deadlines, homework, and tests. Another day of visiting friends, smiling at familiar faces, creating a future for myself. I prepare myself for the day; drinking coffee, reviewing notes, finishing homework in a rush to arrive at an education system, where I strive to grasp the concepts of my studies. I ponder on the thought of where I am headed, and what this will lead me to. This is the last year to make it count. Students work hard for a letter grade on a piece of paper, in hopes of being accepted into university, where one endures further education. Where they continue on with more courses, exams, and knowledge to learn. All building blocks to what one can only  hope will lead to a profession they are passionate about. Finishing grade 12 symbolizes opening a new door, and creating endless opportunities for a bright future. This may sound cliché, but when looking around at fellow pupils in the class, many seem as eager as I to be capped, gowned, and handed a certificate granting us completion of high school. Finalizing the first chapter of our adolescence, and beginning a new stage of life.


  1. This sums up high school perfectly. Good diction. Love the last sentence! :) <3

  2. I agree with this completely. I also have the same affliction in that I can never seem to get enough sleep. Great summary of our lives this year.
